Motorists must not only pass the 20m number plate test but also have sufficient fields of vision, and the DVLA requires notification of specific eyesight conditions. The standards are particularly ...
Elderly drivers should be banned from the road unless they take eye tests every three years, the head of the opticians’ trade association has said.
As part of Cassie’s Law, any driver who fails the roadside test could have their licence taken away immediately ...
In addition to the 20m number plate test the legal eyesight standards require motorists to have adequate fields of vision. The DVLA must also be notified about certain eyesight conditions.
If officers determine that a driver undergoing a vision test is unsuccessful, they can inform the DVLA immediately as part of Cassie’s Law. The law came into effect in February 2013 following ...
Furthermore, drivers must have a sufficient field of vision, and opticians ... will result in failing the driving test, and the test will not proceed. The DVLA will be informed, and the driver's ...