According to the Sebi mandate, short-duration funds can invest in debt instruments with maturities between one and three ...
Explore the best Vanguard mutual funds to invest in now. Find top-performing funds to help diversify your portfolio and ...
A few leading mutual funds with stringent investment criteria have swiftly moved to either raise or buy stakes in these ...
Debt mutual funds attracted inflows of ₹1.57 lakh crore in October. Overall, the mutual fund industry witnessed an inflow of ...
Multi-asset allocation funds are structured to invest in a mix of asset classes—commonly equities, debt, and gold—offering diversification benefits.
While dynamic bond funds may not match the performance of long-term funds in a sustained rate-cutting cycle, they offer risk ...
In October, debt mutual funds in India saw a net inflow of Rs 1.57 lakh crore, recovering from huge redemptions in September.
According to Sebi norms, medium to long term funds have a mandate to invest in debt and money market instruments in such a way that the Macaulay's duration of the portfolio is four to seven years.
Investing in mutual funds is one of the smartest ways to build wealth over the long term. But what happens when the markets ...
The positive inflow boosted the asset base of debt mutual funds by 11 per cent to Rs 16.64 lakh crore in October-end from Rs ...
India's mutual fund industry is experiencing remarkable growth, with assets under management reaching Rs 67.25 lakh crore.
SEBI has introduced new valuation metrics for repo transactions. The market regulator has directed fund houses to value repo transactions including treasury bill repurchase (TREPS) having maturity of ...