"The Watchers" is the first film directed by Ishana Night Shyamalan, the 24-year-old daughter of M. Night Shyamalan. Its title refers to a race of spindly ash-gray monsters who haunt an Irish ...
The Watchers does what a Shyamalan movie is expected to do, and does it well, but with too many unanswered questions. As it goes with any kind of mystery-driven horror, the fewer details known ...
Night Shyamalan, has followed in the footsteps of “The Sixth Sense” filmmaker by making a horror film with a plot twist, “The Watchers,” released on June 7. However, based on her directorial debut, it ...
Night Shyamalan spoke with ET about his daughter, Ishana, at the premiere of her directorial debut, 'The Watchers ... with ET about directing his new film, 'Knock at the Cabin,' in theaters ...