Tests also may be needed to rule out other possible conditions. Metatarsalgia refers to pain found in the ball of the foot.
Overuse injuries, such as plantar fasciitis and tarsal tunnel syndrome, and acute injuries, such as metatarsal fractures, are ...
Metatarsalgia is a condition that causes pain in the ball of a person’s foot. Metatarsalgia generally affects the heads of a person’s second and third metatarsals. The metatarsals are long ...
The first metatarsal phalangeal joint sits in line with the big toe. It is a common area for foot pain and other problems. Arthritis can affect many different bones within the feet but most ...
Digital malformations such as hammertoes, clawtoes, and over-or-underlapping digits are most commonly associated with these lesions. [1] Hard corns (heloma dura) are small, hard conical ...