5-year-old [Liam] is missing parts of his right hand, and this open-source prosthetic hand has given him a jolt of increased function. The video clip after the break shows him on the third day ...
The BrainRobotics prosthetic hand is a first in its field: an intuitive AI-powered hand that allows the user to make unlimited gestures and grips. Unlike other prosthetic hands that came before it ...
but so far prosthetic hands have been a very, very hard nut to crack. [Joel] has been working on the Open Hands Project, a project that aims to make robotic prosthetics accessible to makers ...
Ivan Owen, the mind behind the world’s first 3D printable prosthetic hand, has shifted back to his original passions—puppeteering and stop-motion animation. Originally from the U.S., Ivan ...
A new prosthetic hand powered by breathing has been developed for children and teenagers. Researchers at the University of Oxford say the new air-powered hand is "lightweight, low maintenance and ...