The amount of matter within the universe sculpts its overall curvature. And space-time itself can be either expanding or contracting. When Einstein announced general relativity in 1915 ...
A compound lens forged by two galaxies is helping astronomers get a bead on the Hubble Constant and dark energy.
Scientists test the famous physicist’s predictions by calculating the distortion of time and space. Why is the expansion of ...
The largest survey of our universe ever conducted suggests that it closely matches the model most favored by cosmologists. It ...
This dimple in space-time is the result of what we call a gravity well, and it was first described over 100 years ago by ...
An international research team's new calculations of the distortion of time and space presents new challenges to predictions ...
The actual connection between physics and molecular biology is that curvature and torsion are the most probable solutions ...
enabling us to compare our findings with Einstein's predictions." As light takes time to travel across space, looking far out into the distant universe is the same as looking back billions of ...
The amount of matter within the universe sculpts its overall curvature. And space-time itself can be either expanding or contracting. When Einstein announced general relativity in 1915 ...
Why is the expansion of our Universe accelerating ... arises from Einstein's introduction of a key new element: the deformation of time, in addition to the deformation of space, to achieve ...
Why is the expansion of our universe accelerating ... arises from Einstein's introduction of a key new element: the deformation of time, in addition to the deformation of space, to achieve ...