At least 184 people, including 127 elderly men and women, were killed in Haiti’s Wharf Jérémie neighbourhood of Cité Soleil over the weekend, prompting strong condemnation from Secretary-General ...
He has maintained since June that CSIS officials can brief him under the agency’s threat-reduction-measure mandate if federal officials feel there are foreign interference concerns about his ...
Die jongman het kort na die skietvoorval in die Wesfleur-hospitaal aan sy skietwonde beswyk. ’n 17-jarige seun en ’n 20-jarige man is sowat ses ure daarna gearresteer is vir die skietmoord. Die ...
Good morning. I’m Dawn Calleja, editor of Report on Business Magazine. I’ll be diving into our annual CEOs of the year, but I first want to talk to you about Dollarama’s Neil Rossy, the ...
Nico Steyn (46) se liggaam is Vrydag onder 'n bakkiekappie gevind nadat hy vermoor is tydens 'n plaasaanval op hul plaas buite Hendrina. Nico Steyn (46), die vriendelike man wat Donderdag vermoor ...
Rustenburg ontvoer en aangerand nadat hy by ‘n begrafnis van diefstal beskuldig is. “Hy is daarvan beskuldig dat hy ‘n haarknipper gesteel het. Tenspyte van sy betogings van onskuld ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. Your guide to the most important world stories of ...
Less than 48 hours after the gavel came down at COP29, Carbon Brief ran a webinar to talk through all the key outcomes from the summit in Baku, Azerbaijan. The team discussed the new climate finance ...
No matter where you live on the planet, China’s efforts to tackle climate change affect us all. This is why Carbon Brief is now sending, on Thursdays, a free fortnightly email newsletter, which rounds ...