Growing flowers from seed can save you money and get you a garden bursting with blooms. But to achieve a stunning display, you'll need to avoid these mistakes.
An expert has shared his top tips for pruning hydrangeas in order to encourage 'spectacular blooms' and 'healthy' growth in ...
To make sure it doesn’t return you have to interrupt the seed-to-flowering-plant cycle at least for a couple of years and fill the voids with something competitive.
Biologists have revealed genetics behind the alternating sexes of walnut trees. The research reveals a mechanism that has been stable in walnuts and their ancestors going back 40 million years -- and ...
The UC Master Gardeners of Butte County are part of the University of California Cooperative Extension system, serving our ...
We all know that cannabis plants are illegal to grow across much of the United States, but did you know other, more common ...
Growing a paddle plant as a houseplant allows you to bring a paddle plant home anytime. However, paddle plants grown outdoors ...
While many plants grow well with companions, others can harm or inhibit neighboring species, and should be given their own ...
Discover the companion plants that Martha Stewart loves to pair with hydrangeas. Enhance your garden’s aesthetic with these ...
Little pruning will be needed as your camellia starts to grow. You might have one or two branches that grow astray. They can ...
Not to be a Grinch but hang the Mistletoe high if you have pets. Festive flowers and plants can make many pets very sick.
Plants to prune in December 1. Roses For roses, early winter pruning is essential to “prevent long cane damage” caused by wind and “encourage a better spring flowering display”.