Kannada actor Dhruva Sarja hosted a traditional naming ceremony for his son earlier this year. Now, previously unseen pictures have surfaced on Instagram, capturing the star-studded event.
Shiva Shiva – is sung by director Prem and bollywood playback singer Kailash Kher. Arjun Janya has scored its music. The same ...
(Also Read: Sanjay Dutt attends Dhruva Sarja’s son’s naming ceremony. See inside pics) Speaking to the press, Dhruva reportedly said he would not like to ‘react’ much on the case due to ...
Dhruva Sarja, after Martin’s release, is rumoured to be charting his next big move. While the actor is wrapping up the final portions of Prem’s KD, he has some interesting projects in his lineup.
The much-anticipated film KD-The Devil has officially entered the dubbing phase, with lead actor Dhruva Sarja entering the recording studio. Reportedly an action-packed drama, the film marks Prem ...