Few fashion houses have shaped the world of fragrance like Christian Dior, whose first perfume, Miss Dior, debuted in 1947 ...
December 2024 No other piece of clothing combines the versatility, durability, and effortless style of a great pair of jeans. Buy the right ones, and they’ll only get better with age.
​Pour les fêtes de fin d'année, de nombreuses maisons et marques de mode ouvrent des espaces éphémères dans les grands ...
On Wednesday, the second location of the Café Dior by Anne-Sophie Pic will open in the French fashion house’s flagship in ...
Black skinny jeans, for example, lend themselves well to an emo-coded outfit, but paired with a boho chic paisley jacket, they serve an entirely new look. You've heard of stirrup leggings ...
Le spectacle s’ouvre sur un homme en peine, que l’on devine épuisé physiquement et psychologiquement, tenant un carton. Il s’assied pour sortir de ce carton la panoplie du bouffon.
"Il s'en est beaucoup voulu", assure Jean-Michel Ribes. Jean-Michel Ribes salue en son ami disparu "un grand acteur, un grand interprète, que ce soit devant la caméra ou devant le public.
The story follows Jean Purdy, a nurse and embryologist, and her work with scientist Robert Edwards and surgeon Patrick Steptoe to make it possible. But the movie's information about the real life ...