For the rest of the country, the weather stays quiet this weekend, but it's a chilly forecast for dozens of states in the eastern half of the country as temperatures start to feel much more in ...
Johannesburgers sonder krag moet geduldig wees, sê City Power Man wat vorige dag by Hartbeespoortdam vermis raak se lyk op Kersdag gekry Amerikaanse stapper (27) op Tafelberg gered ná ...
Dis vir my belangrik dat kinders van ’n jong ouderdom moet besef dat hulle groot moet droom en hul drome moet najaag. ’n Goeie sportman of -vrou moenie huiwer om by ’n sportdag of aan ’n ...
Die Aandboodskap word elke aand, van Maandag tot Donderdag, en op Sondagaande om 19:30 ... to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you ...
Godsightings – where we celebrate the goodness and love of Jesus during this past week with your testimonies about where you have seen His hand in action in your life.