In 2001, the Harry Potter movie series introduced fans worldwide to the eccentric and charming Wizarding World. The Wizarding World is a community full of magical folk who can cast a wide variety ...
Chris Columbus discusses HBO's Harry Potter TV reboot, its potential to explore untouched book details, and the challenges of reimagining the wizarding world.
If you're a Harry Potter fan then get ready, because a show based on the popular books and movies is flying like a magic ...
From Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort to Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, the strongest witches and wizards left their ...
Christmas is a really important time for many people, not just in real life, but also in fiction. In Harry Potter, for example, it’s even more important, since a scene on December 25th lays the ...
The world of LEGO continues to expand as a new collection of building sets are on the way including a new Harry Potter set ...
CHENNAI: As kids, we would all have enacted our favourite characters, uttered dialogues, pretended to cast a spell, and just ...
The ‘Harry Potter X Miniso Grand Launch’ at Centrepoint, Uttara, turned into a magical haven for Potterheads, offering fans their first-ever chance to grab exclusive Harry Potter merchandise in Bangla ...
It’s hard to pick just one singular thing that Harry Potter has done in his series ... But to me, I have to say that mastering a patronus spell at just 13 is even cooler. That’s a super ...