Desmond Theunis was ‘n jong seun van 14 jaar toe sy koshuisvader by die Athlone School for the Blind hom leer skaak speel het. Vandag is hy ‘n speler om mee rekening te hou. Iemand wat pas ...
While Okarun and Momo will return in the show’s second season, one thing fans are permanently saying goodbye to is Season 1’s incredible OP. The beloved group Creepy Nuts set their recording ...
Celebi ex is considered OP in Pokemon TCG Pocket with its Powerful Bloom ability. Celebi ex is compared to Misty and can deal a maximum of 990 damage per turn. Obtaining Celebi ex in the new ...
Louis Jansen van Vuuren en Isabella Niehaus tydens 'n ondertekensessie van hul bekroonde boek, Daar is 'n vegan op my verandah. Afrikaanse boeke het vanjaar goed gedoen in alle genres op ...
Stories with OP main characters reincarnated as children are popular in Isekai. "The Faraway Paladin" offers polished animation and a heartwarming story. "Wise Man's Grandchild" balances an OP ...
Due to that history, Hello Games jumped at the opportunity to back Ghost Town Games’s next title. “Hello Games has a bunch of experience we can lend behind the scenes, support we can give, but ...
A New York Times op-ed attributed President-elect Donald Trump's success in the 2024 election to resentful young men and their creation of a "manosphere," which, according to the writer ...
Joe Rogan argued that the establishment media that once was friendly to President-elect Donald Trump has since been engaged in a years-long “psy-op” to convince Americans he is dangerous.
OF JY van hom likes of nie, jy kon nie vanjaar die uitgesproke Gayton McKenzie ignoreer nie. Soos die jaar nou op sy einde staan, het McKenzie in sy hoedanigheid as die minister van Sport, Kuns, en ...
CITRUSDAL. — Albert September is sy dorp se bekendste slangvanger. September, wat naby die 70’s draai, het g’n bang haar op sy kop wanneer hy uitgeroep word om slange te gaan vang nie. Hy het hoeka ...
Joe Rogan argued that the establishment media that once was friendly to President-elect Donald Trump has since been engaged in a years-long "psy-op" to convince Americans he is dangerous.
Mmako Mophiring, Vrystaatse polisiewoordvoerder. Hy staan tereg op ’n aanklag van poging tot moord. Die 43-jarige het die slagoffer (ook 43) na bewering met sy werksvuurwapen geskiet nadat dié glo ...