Kto mieszka na wsi, ten się nie śmieje. Życie wśród pól uprawnych nie należy do najłatwiejszych, a... Przed wizytą musisz wypełnić ankietę przedadopcyjną. Jest ona dostępna na ...
Wszystkie oferowane pieski do sprzedaży znajdowały się w torbach, z których co chwilę były wyciągane. Inne zwierzęta zostały znalezione w samochodzie w kartonie u jednej z kobiet.
Nielegalny handel psami na bazarze w Słubicach (Lubuska Policja) W minioną niedzielę (9 grudnia) lubuscy policjanci otrzymali informację, że na bazarze w Słubicach, wbrew przepisom, może dochodzić do ...
Looking for something to do in New York? Listen to the 8-Bit Big Band play tunes from the “great video game songbook,” or catch Alvin Ailey’s holiday season at City Center. Dec. 29 at 7 p.m ...
From the minute you finish work on Friday all the way up until Sunday evening, these are the best things to do this weekend. Mixing the old with the new, The Karak has introduced a brand new culture ...
Recent visitors said the neighborhood is lively, with lots to do and see and offers a one-of-a-kind experience. The neighborhood, also known as Vieux Carré, is the heart and soul of this city ...
Researchers are still working to understand what blue light can do to your eyes over time. In the meantime, evidence suggests that these types of lenses, along with certain lifestyle choices ...
City life can come at a cost, but, believe it or not, there are loads of free things to do in Dubai. Whether you’re after a free touristy day out, getting back to nature gratis or sightseeing for nada ...
Sharael Kolberg, Contributor, Travel Nineteenth-century Hawaiian royalty used to come to the Honolulu neighborhood of Waikiki to relax and surf, just as scores of tourists do today. That's because ...
The Frog Pond’s rink, a classic choice for winter dates and family outings in the heart of historic downtown Boston, might be the city’s most iconic skate spot. It’s open seven days a week ...
We've rounded up the best chefs in the city to join us at Time Out Market Chicago, a culinary and cultural destination in the heart of Fulton Market featuring more than 15 kitchens, three bars and ...
Westchester has always been home to loads of fun things to do. Whether you’re looking for an entertaining weeknight activity or something to do once your day off rolls around, we’ve got your shortlist ...