Certaines pièces de mode sont spécialement pensées pour mettre en valeur les rondeurs et les sublimer. Parmi les jupes, lesquelles sont les plus préconisées pour vous mettre en valeur ? On fait le poi ...
L’animatrice Dorothée est de retour à la télévision. C’est sur TF1 que ses fans pourront la retrouver dans quelques semaines.
After low utilisation in its flagship Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, the government is revising its strategy to bring in tailor-made schemes like the capex-backed one for electronics ...
In a significant development, the government is considering a production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for electronics components to reduce import dependence in the coming years. According to ...
A researcher says the Robe obelisk could fall into the sea in five to 25 years' time. A committee recommends creating a replica of it before the cape it is on collapses. Rising sea levels ...
The Government’s flagship Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme to boost domestic manufacturing has been a mixed bag so far in terms of job creation. A stock taking of the PLI schemes based on data ...
If employment generation is used as a metric, six of the 14 Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes including textiles, solar modules, IT hardware, automobiles, advanced chemical cells (ACC), and ...
The PLI scheme aims to create a total of 16.2 lakh direct jobs over the next five years. The central government’s production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme has created a total of 5.84 lakh direct jobs ...
India's Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, a flagship initiative aimed at boosting domestic manufacturing and creating jobs, has had varied success across its 14 sectors India’s ...
Il MESSIKA LES DIAMANTS SONT FRATERNELS sera coursier, transportant dans le pli des papiers de soie des pierres fabuleuses avant de prendre du galon et de se construire un réseau. En 1972 ...
La nouvelle pièce de Caroline Guiela Nguyen, en tournée dans toute la France, met en scène la face cachée de l'industrie du luxe, révélant ses non-dits et sa violence, de Paris à Mumbai ...