Zenshu, an original anime by MAPPA, explores darker themes of anime production, focusing on physical and mental health ...
From Japanese historical paintings to manga and anime, how Murakami's Superflat Manisfesto still rings true nearly 25 years ...
Samurai Champloo blends hip hop with Edo-era Japan, featuring top-tier animation, and amazing characters, making it ...
Get a sneak peek at an upcoming anime centered all around Juarez, showcasing the talent and dedication of artists from both ...
Need more survival drama? These 5 shows have dystopia, debt, and dysfunction—without the rehashed twists of Squid Game.
Duplechin opened the Art Academy six years ago when she realized ... the academy will offer an after-school class focusing on ...
Hosted on MSN2d
Best Anime Kisses
When it comes to romance, these kiss scenes from anime shows are guaranteed to make the viewer's heart flutter.
Rounding up the year’s best anime shows, including “My Hero Academia” Season 7 and “Dragon Ball Daima” As 2024 comes to an ...
Over the years, plenty of anime girls have sported purple hair. These characters, however, are the most iconic.
There are many Strinova characters to use, but which one should you play? From Celestia to Kanami, these are the best ...