Of the almost thirty thousand amputations recorded in the Union Army, the mortality rate was 26.3 percent. Were Civil War physicians “butchers” then? This question is perhaps best answered by ...
From 1991 to 2002, conflict in the West African country created some 28,000 amputees. Amputation by machete was one terror ...
But even now, amputation rates remain high in Sierra Leone due to motorbike accidents, poor medical care and delayed ...
Where did that idea come from? Scholars often depict the American Civil War as an early watershed. Amputations were the most ...
As reported previously, GM's plan to shrink its retailers from nearly 6,300 to 3,700 by the end of 2010 is going to be as painful as a Civil War amputation. Initially, General Motors will deny ...
Of the almost thirty thousand amputations recorded in the Union Army, the mortality rate was 26.3 percent. Were Civil War physicians “butchers” then? This question is perhaps best answered by ...