It has 310 educational institutions and 1.4 lakh students study at the institute. Apart from 27 PU colleges, 9 integrated PU colleges are being run. 25 thousand students study at PU colleges.
KLE Society will organise the KLE Student Scholarship-2025 Exam on January 5 to students gain free admission to first-year classes in independent pre-university colleges of KLE Society ...
Jnanodaya Bethany PU College, Nellyady, Puttur taluk, has announced a scholarship examination for Class 10 students to mark its Silver Jubilee celebrations on January 4, at 10.30 a.m. on its premises.
Your credit can even affect your job prospects and your ability to rent an apartment. Many college student credit cards are specifically designed for those new to credit, but simply being a ...
At Conn, we don’t just ask “What’s your major?” We ask you to make connections between your education and your interests—to combine your learning and your likes into a personalized experience that ...
How does it work? By Amanda Holpuch In the last month, several colleges and universities, including the University of Texas system and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have announced ...
Qualified Bates College applicants are very successful. Depending on the specific pool of applicants each year, roughly 75% of the qualified students and alumni who apply are accepted to medical ...
'We are conducting special classes for students every day. But those who are attending KCET, JEE and NEET coaching classes are missing them,' the lecturers rued.
Over 4k guest lecturers to protest in Belagavi Over 4,000 guest lecturers from Karnataka's government pre-university colleges will march to Belagavi on December 17, demanding better pay and job ...
PU colleges fare no better The shortage extends to pre-university colleges, where 12,917 sanctioned posts exist for 1,232 government degree colleges, but only 8,356 lecturers are employed ...
Choosing where to attend college is a big decision. But even if you’ve had your sights set on attending your dream school since you were a kid, what will you study there? Some majors ...
At the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Huskers have the ability to shape their lives through enriching art, engaging student programs and empathetic well-being resources. With so many possibilities at ...