The anime adaptation of the short story "5-Oku-Nen Button" (500-Million-Year Button) from Sōta Sugahara's Minna no Tonio-chan manga series is getting a 14th episode on December 28 at 10:00 p.m ...
KaKa Creation and Frontier Works opened a website on Friday to announce an anime project titled Twins Hinahima that is made using AI, with plans for the anime to release in spring 2025.
If you do a lot of video and photo editing on location, you know what a hassle it is to move media files between your laptop and your desktop PC or Mac. So, what's the best way to transfer those ...
Best Anime Movies Of All Time Best Anime Movies Best Anthology Movies Best Anime Short Films Best Anime TV Shows Of All Time Best Anime TV Shows Of All Time Best Anime Series Best Anime OVAs Best ...
The six new Safari backgrounds include two that use iconography from Apple’s web browser in a clever way — much like the new Macintosh wallpapers in macOS Sequoia.
If you’re looking to stream something a little closer to Shondaland, Peacock’s Anatomy of Lies is a must-watch for Grey’s Anatomy fans. Finally, if you’re in the mood for a Christmas movie ...
Millions of anime fans worldwide will have to find a new way to watch their favorite series after recent crackdowns on piracy. Popular anime piracy websites like GogoAnime, Anitaku, and ...
Isekai anime explore morally gray worlds, creating compelling themes & conflicts beyond conventional morality. Characters face dilemmas of morality in settings like war, revealing nuances ...