Twelve-year-old Blue Ivy will voice the role of Princess Kiara, the oldest daughter of Queen Nala, voiced by Blue Ivy's mom, Beyoncé, reprising her role from the 2019 movie "The Lion King." ...
She shared her story on Reddit under a post titled "My name is like the queen of all tragedeighs". The deliberately misspelled 'tragedy' is a humorous and popular online reference to the approach ...
The late Queen Elizabeth believed every Israeli was "either a terrorist or a son of a terrorist" and refused to allow Israeli officials into Buckingham Palace, former Israeli president Reuven ...
Millie Pilkington, who snapped the photograph shared by the King and Queen alongside a Christmas message tonight, wasn’t always the go-to for public events and announcements at Buckingham Palace.
We’ve previously crowned Princess Charlotte the Queen of Sass — a title we thoroughly and endearingly stand by. The young royal can serve side eye as well as (if not better than!) her late ...
Her beret-style hat, which she last wore in 2023 at a ceremony marking a year since the death of the Queen, was a bespoke design by London milliner Sahar Freemantle – fittingly, a scholar of the ...