But Lawton, the president of Barrow Neurological Institute, says recent studies suggest that blast waves can alter genes in the brain. LAWTON: And it may be that the more we study this, we find that ...
Sign up to our free daily newsletter for daily roundups of the biggest headlines and breaking news from SurreyLive A Brit who spent his whole life dreaming of moving to Australia is being forced to ...
Decades ago, a writer likened Donald Frank’s life to an NFL fairy tale. In 1990, he was a little-known strong safety from a ...
In a complex multi-movement therapy program, a severely brain-injured boxer achieved standing, walking, running, and ...
A brain researcher weighs in on Jags' QB Trevor Lawrence concussion; a call for state, local DOGE teams; and more.
Bandido was coming back from a long layoff due to injury and he looked sharp for the first few minutes ... The blow was in a ...
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