The storied shipping channel featured in "The Blues Brothers" helped build the Sears Tower but has long been polluted and ...
Known as the Super Bowl of birding, the cherished holiday tradition gains urgency amid declining bird populations.
As the year comes to a close, Donald Trump’s return to the White House poses a big question mark for those with a stake in ...
Check out the sandstone-and-mint-edged Atlantis Inn, a quirky 1950s-era beach motel where no two rooms are alike. Within ...
To wrap up the year, hikers can try out a new trail overlooking a restored wetland that opened at the San Dieguito River ...
A multimillion-dollar infusion of state grant funding is set to boost environmental protection efforts in Livingston County, ...
Could these scientists and activists have gotten results if they’d been more nuanced about the risks to the Great Salt Lake?
Ecologists in the area were dismayed recently when they noticed deep tire ruts blasting through the salt marshes at Agnes ...
In a region of Florida known as the River of Grass, John Kominoski plops into hip-deep waters. Blobs of brown periphyton – a ...
NASA published a new report on Thursday highlighting 17 agency mechanisms that have directly and indirectly supported the development and growth of the U.S. commercial space sector for the benefit ...
Salt marshes are among coastal habitats endangered by both rising sea levels and urban development. Preserving and restoring ...