and the universe would eventually grind to halt, according to Live Science. This is the “long freeze”—a period of time during which the universe’s expansion would have completely stopped, and the lack ...
The Girls School Association warns Labour’s plan to charge VAT on private school fees in January could lead to fewer women in ...
A visually enthralling show lays bare the links between science fiction and the occult, realms where being begins from a place of transgression.
Assuming intelligent aliens have used AI for thousands or even millions of years, experts think it may have grown to ...
"The moon is sort of like Earth's attic in terms of preserving the impact records; it's the only place where we can get Earth ...
A galaxy racing through space at an astonishing speed of two million mph (3.2 million km/h) has created a dramatic collision.
A shockwave caused by the galaxy NGC 7318b slamming into four other galaxies is akin to a "sonic boom from a jet fighter." ...
Out of the limelight, theoretical physicists continue to seek a mathematical model that can explain the universe's particles ...
Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery of binary star systems, consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence star ...
In an underground lab in a mountainous region of Italy that contains the coldest temperatures known to exist in the universe, ...
The Epoch of Reionization — the universe’s last major transition — may have happened earlier than previously thought.
Back in the 1960s, Frank Drake, an American astrophysicist and astrobiologist, proposed an equation aimed at estimating the ...