The show, which also starred creators Ruth Jones and James Corden as Nessa and Smithy, initially wrapped up in 2010, before coming back in 2019 for a Christmas special. That festive episode ended ...
Wayland residents are bracing for a temporary shiver in the dark, as Consumers Energy schedules a planned power outage to conduct equipment upgrades. More than 3,000 households will be affected ...
Elementary OS 8 "Circe" is here, based on Ubuntu 24.04, with Wayland support in the Pantheon desktop. Elementary has its own desktop environment, Pantheon, which resembles a desktop version of iPadOS.
WAYLAND, Mich. — Consumers Energy has scheduled a power outage for the Wayland area this weekend. The outage will begin Saturday, Dec. 7 at 11 p.m. and end Sunday, Dec. 8 at 6 a.m., according to ...
A while ago in November, it seems I missed a post from a user in the GamingOnLinux Discord server, noting that the Discord developers finally hooked up screen and audio sharing for Linux with Wayland.